Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Outreach Today Celebrates Moms Today!

Hello Friends and Family,
What a wonderful show today in our Celebration of Moms!
I had the opportunity to be on the show today along with my beautiful mother Sherley Bowen.
Those dang hosts (Melissa & Diane) made me cry! Be sure of this..I will get them back! Just kidding.

Another friend.. Lainika Johnson-Colbert was on the show talking about the book she is writing entitled "What My Mother Never Said...." it will be full of lessons she learned by "watching" her Mother that she never had to sit down and teach her.

Here are some the points from her book.  As I think you will see..its going to be a great one!

1. Resiliency - My mother was stabbed when we were very young. She said she is still alive because she knew she had to take care of her babies. She got out of the hospital and with one lung continued to be the best mom in the world.

2. Responsibility – My mom always did what she said she would. I remember her being tired and sick working a full time job and in the ministry but she never called in. She never let anyone down that was counting on her.

3. Humility – My mother was hands down the most beautiful woman I knew and she was far from conceited or self-absorbed. She always gave other women their due.

4. Confidence – Over the years I had heard so many people say that my mother had a certain way about her. I know what that “way” is because she passed it to me. It’s called confidence. The ability to know that I can do anything I want to do. I may have a steep learning curve but I can do it.

5. How to Dream – My mother had a dream book. She would cut pictures out of magazines to reflect things she wanted out of life like owning a house which she did by the time she was 30. Buying a new car, which eventually she did every two years. Today, we make vision boards but I learned that dreams don’t have to stay in a book from my mom.

6. Rules are Required – My mom ran a tight ship and she had a rule for everything. “No evidence” was her favorite term. That meant that when you left a room, she had better not be able to tell you had been there. She had so many financial rules that she lived by that aid me in my decisions today. Don’t buy a car that exceeds half of your annual salary. Rent should only be 4th of what you bring home each month. This is called living within your means.

7. Do It Because It’s Right – My mom didn’t do anything because she was expecting a return but because it was the right thing to do. She took in neighborhood kids, she cooked for the homeless, she went to work when she was tired and sick… simply because it was the right thing to do.

To get in contact with Lainika visit her website FEmnomenal Women In Business

Thanks Lainika!  If you have any questions feel free to drop us an email at
Eva Bowen
Executive Producer
Outreach Today

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