Great show today, we learned so much from our guests about eating healthier and what we need to do to fight and reverse disease.
We asked Behavioral Nutrition Expert Maya Nahra to give us some more insight into eating healthy.
Moderation ~ Why You Hate The Word
by Maya Nahra
I do too, especially when in the context of food-like substances, i.e. McDonalds french fries, Dunkin’s doughnuts, or Wonder’s dinner rolls.
There is no such thing as ‘moderation.’
Moderation is what they told us in school about artificial sweeteners. Moderation is what Coca-Cola told us when they released their mini cans. There’s no kale, black beans, quinoa, coconut milk, and the occasional McDonalds french fry. It’s why ‘cheat days’ is the worst idea in the world. It’s not a ’cheat day’ its a ‘let-me-go-back-to-the-way-I-normally-eat day’.
Moderation is crap.
Rather, how about awareness. Awareness for the way the food you consume makes your body feel. Awareness has, and will continue to, go further than moderation ever could.
I’ve had quite a few people ask me, especially after the foodie movie ‘Forks over Knives,’ “Should I even eat eggs anymore? What about my chicken and fish?” My reply, “How do you feel when you eat eggs? How do you feel when you eat chicken or fish?” I don’t know the answer to that, only you do.
This is awareness.
Sadly enough, there are many people who, if you were to ask, “How do those french fries make you feel?” would reply, “Awesome! I love them!” How is this awareness? It’s not. It’s a lack there of.
While moderation promotes old patterns and denial, awareness promotes learning and growth. It must be practiced. Start your practice and I promise you other areas of your life will change… change your food, change your life, as I always say…
But for now, chew on these:
5 tips for increasing your food & body awareness
1. Keep a food & mood journal. An intimate journal including both the food you ate and the moods/feelings you experienced afterwards. How did that meal or snack make you feel? Did the food sit in your stomach like a rock? Did your throat experience a little tingle or itch? Did you feel alive with abundant energy? Did you poop the next morning? There are no wrong or silly answers about how you feel, they are simply clues on your path to food & body awareness.
2. Pay attention and check in. Listen up! You’re body is giving you information on how it works best, take note!
3. Eat simpler. Eat meals with less ingredients, it’ll be easier to target specific foods.
4. Try foods at different times of day. Some foods are better fuel for your body in the morning where if eaten at night may make you feel differently.
5. Be patient, non-judgemental, and forgiving. You’re human! You’re not perfect, no one is. Take each day slowly in your journey towards greater food & body awareness.
Yep, it’s a little feminine… ya gotta feel it, feel into it. A little balance of the ‘ol yin & yang never hurt anyone…
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Thanks Maya! If you have any questions feel free to drop us an email at
Eva Bowen
Executive Producer
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