Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year, New You: The Power of Journal Writing

Hello Friends-
We are now six days into the New Year and I'm feeling mighty about you?
This weeks show  "New Year, New You," was simply amazing and I learned some things that will help me be a better person in 2012 and I hope you did as well.

Life Coach Kim Ades shared information to get our thinking patterns on the right track. She says the way you think in one place effects the way you show up in another. So if your thinking on the job is out of whack, then your actions at home will reflect that or vice versa. Makes sense.  Breaking it down further, in a bad mood at home/work you carry it on to the next place.

I have never really been a die-hard journal writer, but some of the things Kim shared made me want to give it a try. Kim says many of the most successful people write in journals!  BUT writing in a journal is NOT like writing in a diary. When you journal you identify what impacts you from day to day and you or a professional look back and see common themes and triggers so that you can make changes.

When you journal Kim says look at a couple of things:  What is it that you want and What is getting in the way from you having it?  According to Kim many people don't even believe they deserve the best life has to offer and they often use self doubt to tell themselves they don't have enough experience, good things are for other people,  etc. etc.

Wow I can thinking process has often been "I can't be that lucky," but when good things continually happen why not change your frame of thinking to say "why not me?"

If you are interested in starting a journal, Kim offers a free online journal on her website.  Just visit

And remember if you have any questions on our show topics please give us a call at 866-472-5788.  You can listen to our show live online Wednesdays 10am Pacific/11am Mountain/12 Central and 1pm Eastern.

Thanks for being a part of our Outreach Today family!!!!  

Eva Bowen, Executive Producer "Outreach Today"

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